1. What’s a Taxi Driver-small business, DBA, hours, profit/loss, effort in/ money out
2. What’s an Independent Contractor- not an employee in any form. Not a hire/fire, but a lease/not lease relationship. You are leasing a vehicle with the option to tap into dispatch.
3. Customers-
A.wholesale( Independent contractors) vs retail(fares)
B. LCS-legendary customer service
C.different types of retail customers(fares)- ASAP vs Time Calls.
4. Tablet Basics
A. Log in
B. Home Screen break down
C. Terminology
D. Available/Unavailable
E. Accept/Decline
F. Bid “More money” screen
G Dispatch( Base) communication)
5. Meter Basics
6. Methods of payment Basics
7. PIM Basics
8.Vehicle Ready
9.Receipt Paper
10. Driving Safety
11.PMs and Accidents
12. Trip Routine
A. Open Door
B. Loading/Unloading
C. Greeting
D. Confirm Destination/method of payment
E. Radio
F. Business cards/ building personals
Person-to-person and Ride Alongs should cover:
1. Pairing the tablet
2. Reset the system
3. Routes sheets/DCS
4. Flat Rates/coupons/“money up front”
5. Corporate/ Call Enable/ Casino and other attributes
6. Customer has no money
7. Returning trios
8. STC
9. No Shows
10. Owner-op opportunity
11. Do’s and Don’ts